How and when to use the verb "can".

How and when to use the verb "can". 

the verb 'can' is a modal verb, and we can find it before a main verb which will always be in the infinitive. Its meaning is "Poder" in the affirmative or "No poder" in the negative.

Structure of the verb can

 Affirmative form: 
 subject+ can+ verb always in infinitive.
  Ex. She can study now.

 Negative form: 
 subject+ can not (can't)+ verb infinitive.
 Ex. She can't go early, she is too busy.

 Interrogative form:
  Can +subject+ infinitive+ ?
  Ex. Can you answer the call?

How to use the verb can?

It has 4 main uses: 

Abilities: talk about what we can or can't do.
  •  I can draw well but I don't always do it. 
  • She can run 30 minutes on the treadmill
Request something: to ask someone to do something.
  • Can you come to my house early?
  • Can you close the door please ?
Permissions: To ask permission to do something.
  • Mom, can I go with my friends to the movies?
  • Boss, can I leave early today? I have an emergency.
Possibilities: Talking about the possibility of something happening or not.
  • we can go to the park tomorrow 
  • I think she can be a great nurse




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